LifeArt Portraits

With any portrait or picture, you will be able to take home a personalised memory of the ones that mean the most to you.

Just as a LifeArt coffin is the centrepiece to a celebration of a life, a LifeArt portrait is a wonderful full-colour tribute that will evoke your loved one long after the funeral is over.

You will receive a complimentary A1 sized LifeArt portrait if you order a custom designed LifeArt coffin designed with your own photos.

LifeArt portraits can also be ordered separately in A2 or A1 sizes. They are a wonderful accessory to a celebration of life and are worthy of taking pride of place upon any wall.

Order a LifeArt portrait

To order a custom designed coffin or a portrait from a LifeArt supplier, please follow the link below.

Find your nearest LifeArt supplier.